
The Occupation Confiscates “A metal Container” in Husan village / Bethlehem governorate

Violation: Confiscating a metal Container.

Location: Husan village entrance / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: August 19th 2019.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Forces and Civil administration.

Victims: family of Citizen Zeyad Sabateen.


Monday , August 19th 2019 , The Israeli Occupation forces and a vehicle from the so called Israeli Civil Administration raided Husan village and confiscated a metal container from a house yard that belong to citizen Ziad Sabateen , on the pretext of building without a license.

LRC Field worker witnessed the occupation forces removing the container without any preceding notices , the family got out from the house and tried to stop them , but the forces  were persistent and acting as if they were only applying the law.

Sabateen told LRC:

“The Container is on the house front, I use it as a store for building material, it is on my property, I don’t know what effect that it makes on them, and that requires bringing a massive force and the civil administration to remove it.”

The Occupation keeps on imposing restrictions on people of the village and harass them with daily raids, arrests , halt of work notices , restrictions on land use  through arbitrary laws.

 The Israeli occupation does not respect international conventions and agreements related to the protection of civilians at the times of conflicts and wars.

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Photos 1-3: Shots from the confiscation

About Husan:

Husan is 10 km west of Bethlehem and is edged with Wadi Fukin (west) Nahhalin (south), Wadi Rahall (east), and Battir (north).

It has a total area of 7360 dunums, 801 of which are built-up area. The Israeli occupation confiscated 2759 dunums to build Betar Illit and Hadar Betar colonies. Besides, bypass number '375 devoured 180 dunums.

The Apartheid Wall destroyed 124 dunums of Husan lands and isolated 150 dunums.

According to the 2007 statistics, the village population is 5551 people.

According to Oslo Accords, 14% of Husan is under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security). However, most of the village lands (86%) is under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control). Here are the area in dunums:

Area B (1036) dunums

Area C (6324) dunums

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This report was prepared with EU funding

The Contents of this document do not reflect position sand views of the European Union